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Wellbeing Tasks

Childline Calm Zone 

If you're stressed about working from home, there are lots of way to feel calmer. It's about finding what works for you. Visit the Childline Calm Zone to try some breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress.

Games and Activities

Click the buttons below for a range of wellbeing games, activities, recipes and more.

Wellbeing tasks

Wellbeing Tasks

Wellbeing Passport - DOWNLOAD

Throughout this passport you will be taken on a journey to explore the benefits of being active, understanding how the body works, eating a balanced diet, how you can positively adjust your lifestyle and setting new goals to become the best version of you!

Health & Wellbeing Cards - DOWNLOAD

Print and cut these out at home, pick one at random and complete the task!

Mindfulness Activities - DOWNLOAD

Being mindful helps people do better in just about every part of life, like focusing on homework or feeling less stressed out. Practicing mindfulness, a little bit every day helps you to build this valuable skill. These exercises help you practice mindfulness in five different ways. Try doing all of them!

Mobile Apps and Online Resources - DOWNLOAD

Download these apps or visit these YouTube channels to get more information on mindfulness.



The NAME Workout Challenge -  DOWNLOAD

Spell out your name using this list and complete the workout you build with it!

Tabata -  DOWNLOAD

Download and try this High Intensity Interval Training.

SLEEP: Taking Care of Your Body - DOWNLOAD

On average most children/teenagers need up to 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night, however for some children/teenager’s sleep is not seen as an important aspect in life. Download this advice and read the top tips to help you get a better night's sleep!

10-minute Workout

Try to do this ten-minute workout every day! For more videos, click here.


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Download these games and activities, including a board game to play with your friends! 

Fitness Wordsearch - DOWNLOAD

Keep it Moving! (Board Game) - DOWNLOAD

Physical Fitness Wordsearch - DOWNLOAD



Try these simple, healthy recipes at home. Download and fill in your Cooking Reflection Form when you're done!

Baked Banana Oatmeal Cups


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DOWNLOAD the recipe here.

Omelette - DOWNLOAD

Lots more recipes by Activ8 can be found on YouTube