Safeguarding children and promoting their well-being runs through the heart of our practice. It is an attitude of mind, a belief system and a way of thinking that places the well-being of our pupils at the forefront of every action.
Policies and systems, such as safer recruitment, behaviour management, child protection and whistleblowing procedures arise out of this belief and are used to promote and sustain it. They are not an end in themselves, but are essential tools and need to be kept ‘live’ to support the culture and to help maintain a company-wide commitment to best practice and legal requirements.
Ultimately, it is our belief that a commitment to safeguarding children and promoting their well-being works to the equal safety and well-being of all staff and other adults whose aim is to promote good education outcomes and future life experiences for young people.
Our dedicated Safeguarding and Child Protection Leader ensures that we remain up to date with safeguarding systems and policies, as well as with the wider issues that face our children and their families in the community. The leader also provides our teams across TCES schools and services with managerial support, training and oversight, and works closely with our Senior Leadership teams. This ensures that each of our schools and services is able to respond appropriately and immediately to any safeguarding concerns that arise, in line with the robust systems and procedures that are in place.
We support our parents and carers by keeping them up to date with safeguarding issues in the community and on any wider safeguarding issues that may impact on their children, such as internet safety or concerns in relation to a particular game or issue in the media. Our teams always welcome parents and carers into school should they wish to discuss any concerns or wider issues.
Safeguarding Policies
Craig Stilwell, Judicium Consulting Ltd
☗ 72 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6AE
☎ 0203 326 9174