‘Let’s get Tribal!’ Cultural Week activities celebrated at North West London Independent School

The week commencing 5 March was Cultural Week, and the schools and Create Services across the TCES Group participated in a range of activities to promote the annual event.
North West London Independent School’s theme for Cultural Week was ‘Let’s get Tribal!’ with each class researching a tribe from their designated continent. Classes investigated various aspects of their tribe including language, traditional practices and customs, clothing, daily living etc. Pupils also dressed up in costumes associated with their tribe, which they wore during last Friday’s Presentation Day.
Presentation Day was attended by ex-pupil Laquain, who is now attending a further education college, TCES Group Referrals Manager Colleen Hopkins, Parent Group Champion Samia, Deputy Head Teacher Dale Brown and local shopkeeper Sajed– all of whom formed the judging panel with a prize of a tutor group lunch out awarded to the winning ‘continent.’ The tutor groups were judged on creativity, evidence of research and group participation.
Said Head Teacher Katrina Medley “As the Head of school I was very proud to witness and be a part of cultural week. We did ourselves proud. Go NWLIS!!!”
CEO and Schools’ Proprietor Thomas Keaney remarked, “Friday’s presentation day represented a true understanding of how our community values embody the spirit of inclusivity. The pupils demonstrated an understanding of other cultures both within the local community and trans-globally. Thank you for making my evening and especially so to our Alumni Ambassador Laquain, who was back with us again to judge this event.”