TCES celebration day 15th anniversary

Celebrating: Team Building and Togetherness Blog
On June 20th, 2023, TCES held their 15th annual Celebration Day at Lambourne End in Essex. The event brought together children and young people across our schools and services, including TCES Create in The Community, North-West London, East London, and Create Primary, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere.
The young participants engaged in a variety of activities designed to test their teamwork, leadership, physical abilities, and mental strength. Additionally, there was a nearby farm where the younger pupils could explore and learn about animals, including horse care routines. The hosts of the event ensured excellent organisation, enabling our young people to begin the activities promptly. This was particularly beneficial for students with ADHD and behavioural needs, as it can be challenging for them to sit still for extended periods.
At the start of the day, the awards for the event were outlined. A total of five awards were given, including four school awards and one individual young leader award for exceptional leadership skills demonstrated throughout the day.
Remarkably, all the students exhibited exemplary behaviour, which is a significant accomplishment considering that they all have social and behavioural difficulties. This achievement is a source of pride for both the young people and the organisation.
The activities of this year's Celebration Day captured the students' attention immediately. Exciting activities such as archery were particularly engaging, but even the less physically active activities like "Eggtastic" were enjoyed by the young participants. During "Eggtastic," they worked together to pick up an egg and move it using only three strings. Our Create Primary pupils also acted as great ambassadors for their school, completing a popcorn cooking activity before lunch and spending time with the farm animals afterwards.
One of TCES' core values is inclusive for all, regardless of their disabilities or difficulties. The teachers and peers encouraged every pupil to participate in the activities, fostering a strong sense of togetherness.
The significance of Celebration Day and its impact on our pupils, and staff reflects TCES culture. Bringing everyone together to celebrate our young people's achievements and recognise the hard work of our staff instils a sense of success and pride in their accomplishments. We are also able to provide our pupils with a better understanding of what TCES Central Services does for our schools and services by being present at the event.
Our school's founder and CEO, Thomas Keaney, delivered a speech highlighting the tremendous effort across our schools and services and commending the staff for their encouragement and the enjoyable experience they provided. The awards were presented:
TCES East London won the Teamwork Champions award for displaying great camaraderie throughout the day and achieving impressive results in teamwork-based activities.
The Courage & Determination award was given to TCES North-West London for demonstrating bravery in completing the tightrope and caving challenges. Their ability to face their fears and their determination and willingness to participate in challenges were commendable.
Create Primary received the British Value champions award for their exceptional behaviour while completing and participating in the activities.
The Overall Champions of the Day award was given to Create in the Community for demonstrating that, despite having fewer numbers, they exhibited the loudest encouragement, cheers, and support. Their success resonated throughout the event site.
Marcus from North-West London received the leadership individual award for showing exceptional leadership within his group. He guided his team through the "Eggtastic" challenge, completed multiple laps of the tightrope challenge to earn his team numerous points, and found time to encourage his peers during their tasks.
Celebration Day was a resounding success, delivering a positive message of inclusion and togetherness to the children and young people. The lessons learnt during this event will stay with them for a lifetime. It can be difficult for our young people to believe in themselves, but days like yesterday show that they are capable of amazing things. Our goal is to promote these outings because they are crucial to building self-confidence.
Braden Keaney, Marketing Intern